The International Multiple Sclerosis Cognition Society (IMSCOGS) promotes research about cognition in MS.
It is a point of contact and information for all researchers and health professionals interested in MS cognition.
International Multiple Sclerosis Cognition Society
December 2019
Jeffrey N. Gingold
Should I Stay or Should I Go (Now)? MS: Working and Retirement
Reprinted with permission from MS Focus: the Multiple Sclerosis Foundation from MS Focus Magazine. www.msfocusmagazine.org
With my MRI images and cognitive assessment report in hand, my neurologist explained how MS had compromised my cognitive and physical functions, leaving me disabled and unable to work. He explained that “chronic” meant “permanent” disabilities. The employment rug was yanked out from
under me and there would be no holding onto my career.
Jeffrey N. Gingold, internationally acclaimed author of the award-winning book, Facing the Cognitive Challenges of Multiple Sclerosis, 2nd Edition (Demos Medical Publications, 2011) and Mental Sharpening Stones: Manage the Cognitive Challenges of Multiple Sclerosis (Demos Medical Publications, 2008).