The International Multiple Sclerosis Cognition Society (IMSCOGS) promotes research about cognition in MS.
It is a point of contact and information for all researchers and health professionals interested in MS cognition.
International Multiple Sclerosis Cognition Society
President's Post May 2021
Dear Friends and Colleagues,
Due to the global COVID-19 (Corona virus) pandemic, IMSCOGS announced that it has no choice but to make the necessary decision to cancel the IMSCOGS 2021 annual meeting.
Uncertainty about the development of the epidemic situation and travel restrictions in the coming months, led the executive board to take this decision. IMSCOGS plans to hold its annual meeting in Bordeaux (France) in 2022 at a date yet to be determined, probably in April.
The ECTRIMS/IMSCOGS summerschool, originally planned in June 2020, and first postponed to June 2021, had to be postponed again to June 2022. All registered participants will be notified.
We look forward to seeing you at the next ECTRIMS congress which will be entirely virtual (October 13-15, 2021) where a specific session dedicated to cognition in multiple sclerosis will be organized by IMSCOGS and ECTRIMS.
Our website has been inactive during a while due to change in our partnership with the host. In the next months, new content will be available.
Take care
Prof. B. Brochet, President IMSCOGS