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President's Post March 2020

In these difficult times, we are all going through, the health and well-being of people living with multiple sclerosis must be preserved. The MS societies have made recommendations for management and precautions. Two dimensions, although essential, are rarely mentioned: the psychological and emotional dimension and cognitive difficulties. These are the usual research and care themes of the IMSCOGS.


The current situation can be a source of great anxiety for people with multiple sclerosis. The consequences of treatments on immunity, difficulties in accessing home help and caregiver availability, and rehabilitation suspensions are a source of concern for our patients. Confinement, which is necessary and recommended, and isolation can aggravate emotional suffering. It is possible to provide remote support by answering questions, alleviating concerns and offering, if possible, the remote intervention of specialized professionals. The existence of cognitive problems can make it difficult to understand the situation, its complexity and the constraints it imposes. People with cognitive difficulties related to multiple sclerosis may require special support at this time.


There is a groundswell of development of telemedicine approaches to clinical care in the works, and many neuropsychologists, are making themselves available for telemedicine.


Good courage to everyone and take care of yourself too.


Prof B Brochet

IMSCOGS President on behalf of the Executive Board

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